Terms and Conditions
Seekbiz Terms and Conditions
These website terms of use, herein referred to as "Terms and Conditions", and the associated privacy policy govern your access to and use of the website at seekbiz.com.au and its associated applications and systems, herein referred to as "Seekbiz".
By continuing using Seekbiz website, you are signifying your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and the associated Fair Use Policy and Privacy Policy.
If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please do not access or use the Seekbiz website.
- Disclaimer of Warranties
- Limited Liabilities
- Service Disruptions
- Errors
- Account Types
- Accepted Currency
- Customers Signed In Before 18 June 2019
- Supported Countries and Regions
- Refuse of Service
- Anti-social Behaviours
- Use of Information
- Inbound Links
- Outbound Links
- Other Policies
- Modifications to Seekbiz Terms and Conditions/Privacy Policy
Disclaimer of Warranties | Top
The materials on Seekbiz website are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Seekbiz disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third parties' rights, and fitness for a particular purpose.
Limitation of Liability | Top
To the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event shall Seekbiz be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of or inability to use the Seekbiz website, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
Service Disruptions | Top
Parts or all of Seekbiz website and websites may become inaccessible or not functional to user's expectation and without notice.
This may be caused by but not limited to:
- Failures in dependent services or systems
- Scheduled maintenance
- Software bugs
- Traffic volume
- Un-scheduled maintenance
Seekbiz does not offer any Service Level Agreement (SLA) at this time.
Seekbiz will endeavor to try and restore the affected service at the earliest opportunity.
Errors | Top
While Seekbiz has made reasonable effort to ensure that the website and information provided is free from error, Seekbiz does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, currency, suitability, completeness, reliability, usefulness or fitness for purpose of any material found on Seekbiz website.
Account Types | Top
A customer on Seekbiz can register for one of the following account types:
Business Owner
A Business Owner is an user account registered with a work email address that matches the domain name of their business website.
Customers who would like to publish businesses details on behalf of their clients can apply for a Publisher account. Publisher accounts are available to customers in the following industries: Digital Marketing, Job Recruitment and Real Estate.
To find our more or if your business industry is not in this list, please contact our Sales Team and we are happy to discuss options to support your business needs.
Accepted Currency | Top
Please note that all prices are in Australian Dollars AUD.
Customers Signed In Before 18 June 2019 | Top
On 18 June 2019, Seekbiz launched its 2.0 website featuring a new business listing publishing platform. Customers who are signed in before this date are encouraged to migrate to the 2.0 platform as the business plans to retire the previous 1.0 publishing services in the future, see Retiring 1.0 Services.
Should you have any concerns or queries, please contact migration@seekbiz.com.au and our Migrations Team will be more than happy to assist.
Customers who are signed in before 18 June 2019 and has published any business listings can choose to migrate their existing listings to the new 2.0 publishing platform, subject to the following conditions:
- Adhere to this Terms and Conditions document
- Claim the business listing as the Business Owner or
- In the case of a Publisher, declare that they have obtained consent to act on behalf of the business
Scope of Offer
In the case where a Publisher has several user accounts, please contact customer@seekbiz.com.au to discuss how we can best support your team's needs.
This is a one time offer available to customers who are signed in before 18 June 2019 AEST.
Retiring 1.0 Services
The publishing tools, dashboard and inventory page used by customers for publishing and managing their business listings prior to 18 June 2019 are collectively referred to as "1.0 Services".
These services will retire over a period of 12 months in the following planned phases:
- 15 September 2019: no new business listings can be published via 1.0 Services
- 15 December 2019: all business listings published via 1.0 Services will be read only
- 15 June 2020: all business listings published via 1.0 Services will be archived and will no longer appear online
Support is available for customers migrating to the 2.0 platform and extends to 31 December 2020. Please contact migration@seekbiz.com.au and our Migration Support Team will be more than happy to assist.
Supported Countries and Regions | Top
Seekbiz service is currently only available to Australian businesses, with plans to expand to other international regions in the future.
This is to ensure that Seekbiz can better support the local community by ensuring that businesses promoted on Seekbiz adheres to the legal and regulatory standards of Australia, where we operate.
Refuse of Service | Top
Seekbiz reserves the right to refuse its service if it finds a customer, their business or their business listing content fails to meet the Terms and Conditions of Seekbiz, including, where applicable, but not limited to, this document, the Fair Use Policy and the Privacy Policy; legal and community safety standards.
Seekbiz currently do not employ an age filter for its website audience. Therefore, business listings that are considered to target the adult-only market are not accepted at this point in time.
Anti-social Behaviours | Top
Seekbiz aim to provide a safe environment for the community and its staff. Any abusive or rude behaviours, comments or personal attacks are not tolerated. Whether it is written, verbal, physical or otherwise actions that are considered discriminatory or harmful to any individual(s) or group(s) will be met with the following potential responses:
- suspension or/and ban of account or accounts along with all listings under the impacted accounts, with or without notice
- report incident to the relevant authority, e.g. police, regulatory body etc.
Use of Information | Top
All information on this website is of a general nature and does not take into account your individual circumstances.
Seekbiz is not an Australian registered bank, building society, credit union or other authorised deposit taking institution.
Seekbiz does not give financial advice.
You should consider consulting with a qualified financial advisor before making any financial decisions.
You should not disregard any other advice, or delay seeking advice, because of something you read in this site.
Inbound Links | Top
Seekbiz generally encourages anyone to freely link to this website homepage, https://seekbiz.com.au, provided the website that links to Seekbiz comply with all relevant laws and regulations and must not contain content which may be considered to be distasteful, offensive or unlawful.
When you place a link to Seekbiz website, you must hold Seekbiz harmless from any complaints or claims by third parties.
Seekbiz reserves the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.
Outbound Links | Top
Any links to third-party websites and resources from the Seekbiz website are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by Seekbiz of the content on such linked sites.
Seekbiz is not responsible for the availability of such linked sites. Nor does Seekbiz take responsibility for any materials made available on such linked sites. If you decide to access such linked sites, you do so at your own risk.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, Seekbiz makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, adequacy, currency, suitability, completeness, legality, reliability, usefulness or fitness for purpose of any material found at any linked sites.
Without impacting its ability to exclude itself from such responsibilities and warranties Seekbiz may receive payments and/or commissions from operators of linked sites in relation to goods or services supplied by the operator as a result of you linking to the third party website from the Seekbiz website.
Other Policies | Top
In addition to this document, please review and acknowledge your agreement with the following policy documents before continuing accessing and using Seekbiz services.
Modifications to Seekbiz Terms and Conditions/Privacy Policy | Top
Seekbiz reserves the right to update its Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy from time to time.
Where the modifications have significant impact to Seekbiz users, Seekbiz will attempt to notify its users via either or a combination of:
- email to registered users
- display notice at one or multiple prominent locations on Seekbiz website or websites
In this case, a 15 calendar days notice period will be provided to Seekbiz users from the time either the email was send out or a notice was displayed on its website or websites, whichever occurs first.
After the notice period, the modified Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy will come into effect.
This document is effective as of 1 March 2020.